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C O R P O R A T E   E T H I C S  &  P R I N C I P L E S 

I N T E G R I T Y 

Honesty is the attribute we want most to be associated with our name. We will not compromise our standards.

F A I R N E S S 

We have a excellent relationship with our sub trades considering we do not shop their prices or try to profit at their expense. We pay our bills on time rather than late. We also regard our employees very highly, as well as have a very loyal work force. 


We limit our work volume so that each project receives the personal
attention of the company owners.

E F F I C I E N C Y 

By utilizing state of the art methods and equipment, coupled with
innovative engineering approaches to projects, we produce results which are cost and time efficient.

S A F E T Y 

We have a fully developed health and safety program, which we
implement on all projects. Our high standards of safety is reflected in our prequalification by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways.
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